Lithuanian trolleybuses are usually old and slow. In winter, the ice often covers the windows inside, appart from the front window obviously. Its a bit like sitting in a fridge or in the cave of an iceberg. As you can't see outside, its sometimes hard to locate yourself, you have to scratch the ice until you create a small patch of clear area and peek out, or wait for the vehicule to stop and open its doors.
The best place is on the right side of the trolley, 2nd seat behind the middle door. Why? because there is a little electric heater on the floor which, when it works (rarely actually), keeps your legs warm. It can be as cold inside as outside, especially when the driver forgets to close the doors when driving which happens often on the line 13.
The best place is on the right side of the trolley, 2nd seat behind the middle door. Why? because there is a little electric heater on the floor which, when it works (rarely actually), keeps your legs warm. It can be as cold inside as outside, especially when the driver forgets to close the doors when driving which happens often on the line 13.

This pix has been taken today, on my way back from work. Yeah, its old, but has its charms...You can also notice that I am sitting at the best place, just above the heater. Each stop is announced by a recorded women voice: Kita stotele...Saltinielis.... The first time I heard this voice, I nearly jumped wondering what it was. First, You dont expect these old trolleybuses to have such system, and second, the strange voice seems to be coming from "outerspace", like if suddenly you were in an old sci fi movie.
There is now a new model of trolleybus running as well, much faster, but they are not many and they do break down as often as the old ones. Here is below an outside view of an old model:
There is now a new model of trolleybus running as well, much faster, but they are not many and they do break down as often as the old ones. Here is below an outside view of an old model:

You may have noticed the electric cables hanging above the street, (top left), and the yellow "antennas" sticking out of the roof. When the trolleybus turns and get too far from this cable, the antennas get detached from them, and the vehicule simply stops where it is, then the driver has to get out and play with some ropes at the back to reposition the sticks. And beleive me, nobody is happy when it happens.
Yes, if you ever come to Vilnius, you will quickly see one of these fat and slow bugs. You will also find normal buses, slightly faster but as old as the trolleybuses, and the minibus, very fast, but using them to commute is at your own risks, they crash a lot.
Yes, if you ever come to Vilnius, you will quickly see one of these fat and slow bugs. You will also find normal buses, slightly faster but as old as the trolleybuses, and the minibus, very fast, but using them to commute is at your own risks, they crash a lot.
Cool buses, hows the old transport system in Vilna.
Great, and not so different
from that good old "ligne 73" taking us to St Just,from 1988 to 1991,actualy.
It might just be that you don't get those driver's strikes twice a month
in Vilnius...
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